


MPCA Futurity/Maturity Chairperson

Lisa Uhacz -mpFUTUREVIEW@gmail.com
P.O.Box 808, Cornelius, OR   97113


Starting in 2019, our National Futurity Sweepstakes process was changed to make it simplified, with the intention of increasing MPCA member participation in this program. The complete and updated rules are printed in the National Specialty premium list, in the National Specialty catalog and available from the Futurity Chairperson at anytime by direct request. The nomination form is available for download.

  1. A Futurity litter must be nominated prior to the litter being whelped. The USPS mail postmark date or date of email is used to determine eligibility. No late entries will be accepted for any Futurity nomination.
  1. At least one bitch/litter owner must be an MPCA member in good standing, in order to make a Futurity nomination.
  1. There will be two options for nominating a litter; First option is a combined Futurity/Maturity nomination for $50, prior to the litter being whelped; With this option, $35 goes to the Futurity stakes and $15 goes toward the Maturity stakes. The second option is a Futurity only nomination OR Maturity only nomination, for $35, with the entire amount going to either Futurity or Maturity.  The nomination fee should be submitted via check made out to MPCA, or via PayPal, at mpca_treasurer@minpin.org, made at the time of the nomination.
  1. Upon eligible entry, bitch/litter owner will receive a numbered and dated form, with the notification of whelping form on the bottom. Once the litter is whelped, the bitch/litter owner will provide to the Futurity Chairperson details about the litter, including whelped date, litter count, sexes, colors and AKC information, etc.  This information may be emailed.  Any correspondence about a nominated litter, should include the assigned litter number.
  1. Only bitch/litter owners, with active Futurity nominations will be invited to suggest and vote on Futurity judges. Only one vote per bitch/litter nominated will be allowed. In case of co-ownership’s, member or first listed owner will receive a ballot.
  1. Verification of receipt of nominations shall be the responsibility of the breeder/owner. If you wish to check to see if your nomination was received, please e-mail the Futurity Chairperson directly.
  1. Votes will be collected and tallied electronically by the secretary.
  1. The Futurity Chairperson may nominate and exhibit dogs.