The main purpose of the Maturity is to provide encouragement and incentive to member breeders and owners of those Miniature Pinschers who have maintained their eligibility to compete in the Futurity, to meet and compete a year later in the Maturity, as mature Miniature Pinschers. To further demonstrate that their mature Futurity Miniature Pinschers have in fact matured into outstanding specimens of the breed and to reward the breeders for their efforts.
The Maturity is held in conjunction with the National Specialty and Futurity each year. Individually nominated Futurity puppies are eligible to be nominated and compete at the first Maturity Event following the Futurity Event in which they are eligible to compete. Accordingly, Maturity entries will range in age from approximately 18 months old to approximately 30 months old, depending upon the actual date of the Maturity Event.